Sleep is a temporary lapse of consciousness. During sleep, our central nervous system, breath, heart-beat, and muscle-tone are slowing down.
            Human sleep duration varies enormously. Babies sleep 18-20 hours a day, young children 12-14 hours, adults 7-9 hours, and older 5-7 hours.

           Some people nowadays suffer from insomnia. These people can not sleep easily. Insomnia is not an illness. It is a symptom of a sleeping disorder which can be caused by anxiety, depression, and excitement. It cannot be cured without getting rid of the problems which cause it. But temporary, insomnia can be overcome by drinking chamomile tea.

1.      What does the text tell about?
A.    Babies.
B.     Young children.
C.     Sleep.
D.    Insomnia.

2.       What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A.    People cannot sleep.
B.     Insomnia can happen to anyone.
C.     Drinking chamomile tea has a good effect on us.
D.    Some people nowadays suffer from insomnia.

3.       How to overcome insomnia?
A.    By drinking chamomile tea.
B.     By drinking a lot of water.
C.     By drinking tea.
D.    By drinking milk.

4.       “… caused by anxiety, …” (paragraph 3)
The synonym of the underlined word is ….
A.    sadness
B.     eagerness
C.     happiness
D.    nervousness

       All the many kinds of wasps are close relatives of the ants and bees. Wasps can be told from their relatives by their slender waists. Like the ants and bees, they go through four stages in their lives. First they are eggs, then wormlike larva, then pupas, and finally grown up insects. Like many of their relatives they can sting.
         Some wasps live in colonies just as honeybees do. The wasp in a colony work together. Some do one task and some another. These wasps are called social wasps. The wasps that do not live in colonies are called solitary wasps.
       Paper wasp and white -faced hornets build their nest of paper. They make the paper of chewed-up wood. Wasps made paper long before people did.
       Each nest of a paper wasp or a white-faced hornet is the home of a whole colony. In each colony there is a queen that does all the egg-laying. Most of the other wasps in the colony are workers. The story of every wasp colony is very much the same.

1.      Which statement is correct according to text above?
A.    Wasps make their nest out of used paper.
B.     There are two kinds of wasps, social and solitary.
C.     We can find more than one queen in wasps’ nest.
D.    Wasps do not sting.

2.        “They make the paper of chewed-up wood”. (paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to ….
A.    Paper wasps
B.     White-faced hornets
C.     Paper wasp and white-faced hornets
D.    Paper wasps and their colony

3.        What is the purpose of the text?
A.    To entertain the readers about the story of wasps.
B.     To inform the reader how to make a wasps’ nest.
C.     To inform the reader about the origin of wasps.
D.    To gives detail information about wasps in general.

4.       How many steps should the wasp go through in their lives?
A.    Four steps.
B.     Three steps.
C.     Two steps.
D.    One step.

Aglonema is a genus of about 40 species of foliage plant in the Araceae family, native to the tropical swamps and rainforests of south eastern Asia from Bangladesh east to the Philippines and north to southern China.  No common names are widely used, though they are sometimes called ‘Chinese evergreen’.
They can grow to 20-50 cms in height. The leaves are alternate on the stems, lanceolate to narrowly oval, dark to medium green, 10-40 cm long and  4-16 cm broad, depending on the species. The flowers are  relaively tinconspicuous, white or greenish-white spathes that can give way to red berries.
The sap of this plant is poisonous to health. It causes irritation in skin and if taken orally causes irritation of mouth, lips, throat and tongue.
1.      Where can we find Aglonema?
A.    In tropical rainforests.
B.     In subtropical areas.
C.     In southern Asia.
D.    Along the riverbanks.

2.      What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.    The habitat of Agonema.
B.     The definition of Aglonema.
C.     The characteristics of Aglonema.
D.    The origin of Aglonema.

3.      What is the purpose of writing the text?
A.    To tell the readers how to plant Aglonema.
B.     To retell about the past experience.
C.     To amuse the readers about the origin of Aglonema.
D.    To describe about the characteristics of Aglonema.

4.  It causes irritation in skin and if taken orally....” (paragraph 3)
What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
A.    the poison
B.     the sap
C.     the plant
D.    the flower

Tyrannosaurus Rex
           Tyrannosaurus Rex, sometimes just called T-rex, is believed to be the largest and most fearsome predator on Earth’s land ever to  have existed. This dinosaur once roamed the Earth in the Crestaceaous period approximately 68 to 65 million years ago.
      As a carnivorous dinosaur, this giant predator most likely ambushed its preys, and devoured them with jaws full of sharp teeth. With its ability to run at an astonishing speed 0f 32 mph (50 km per hour), a perfect slim and stiff tail that gave it an excellent balance and allowed it to make quick turns, equipped this gigantic predator and made it even more deadly, like a killing machine.

1.      What does the text mainly discuss?
A.       Carnivores.
B.       A killing machine.
C.       A Crestaceaous period.
D.       Tyrannosaurus Rex.

2.      “...With its ability to run at an astonishing speed of 32 mph....” (paragraph 2)
       The underlined word can be replaced with ....
A.       frightening
B.       amazing
C.       deadly
D.       stiff

3.      From the text above we know that T-rex ....
A.           roamed the Earth for about three million years
B.            was a omnivorous dinosaur
C.            swallowed its prey and digested it later
D.           could run more than 50 miles per hour

4.  “...and devoured them with jaws full of sharp teeth.” (paragraph 2)
          The underlined word refers to ....
A.    Tyrannosaurus Rex
B.     T-rex’s preys
C.     dinosaurs
D.    teet

            Green sea turtles are rarely seen on land.They are endangered species with a drastically        reduced population.

     Despite its name, a green sea turtle’s shell is not always green. The shell can be a blend of different colours including brown, dark olive, grey or black. The shell is also smooth and heart-shaped. Green sea turtles actually received their colourful name from the colour of their subdermal (underneath the skin) body fat.
     Green sea turtles are really big. They can grow to 91-122 cm in length. They are very dense and heavy animals. Despite their size, they are still not the world’s largest sea turtles.
     Adult green sea turtles are herbivores. The jaw is serrated to help the turtle easily chew their primary food source – sea grasses and algae. Meanwhile, juvenile green sea turtles are omnivores. They eat a wide variety of plant and animal life, including insects, crustaceans, sea grasses and worms.

      Green sea turtles have ocean water habitats and nesting habitats. Once a green sea turtle hatches and heads into the oceans, it rarely returns to land. Instead, it feeds on off-shore plant blooms around islands and beaches.

1.      Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of green sea turtles?
A.     They are big, dense and heavy.
B.     Adult and juvenile ones consume different food.
C.     Their shells are heart-shaped and not rough.
D.     Their shells are always green.

2.      “The shell can be a blend of different colours ...” (Paragraph 2)
What is the similar meaning of the underlined word?
A.     Mixture.                                              C. Example.
B.     Similarity.                                           D. Relation.

3.      Green sea turtles have ocean water habitats and nesting habitats. Once a green sea turtle hatches and heads into the ocean it rarely returns to land. What do those sentences imply?
A.     A green sea turtle likes to stay on land.
B.     A green sea turtle hatches its eggs in the ocean.
C.     A green sea turtle really cares about its hatches.
D.     A green sea turtle leaves its hatches on land to survive by themselves.

4.      Green sea turtles are endangered species. One of the reasons is that the green turtles leave their hatches on land. What can we probably do to protect them from extinction?
A.     Keep all green sea turtles at zoos.
B.     Fetch green sea turtles from the ocean.
C.     Take green sea turtles’ shells for ornaments.
D.     Save the hatches of green sea turtles from predators.


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